The Journey to Machu Picchu – My Mom, My Inspiration


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My weight this morning was 230.8, yeah, down a few. Monday was my mom, Sheron Scoles, birthday. Same day as the eclipse. She would have been 81 years old. The first picture above is my mom at around age 16. She was asked to be a hair model. I always admired her hair. The second picture is me and my mom. I was about 7 give or take a year or two. This picture won a photo contest at Lazarus Department store. The next picture is me, my son David, and my mom. David is around 4 or 5 years old, maybe. The last picture is my mom and her glamour shot. She was in her 50’s.

My mother climbed many mountains in her lifetime. At age 16 she started stuttering very badly. People were very cruel and wrote her off because of this. The high school guidance counselor told her she could never go to college or amount to anything. My mother did go to business school after high school and became a supervisor at an insurance company. She could out type anyone. Later on after the insurance company job she started working at the local Police Department and part of her job duties was to answer the police radio. The people calling in would embarrass her and ask for someone else to answer the radio. My mother was cured of stuttering later on and talked quite well. In the last year of her life she had to have a tracheostomy put in. The hospital tried to put a speaking valve at the end of her trach so she could talk. It did not work. The doctors said because of this she would never talk. My mother did start talking without the speaking valve and talked quite well until her last breath. These are just a few of the obstacles she overcame. She was a walking miracle.

Losing a lot of weight at my age seems impossible. Climbing Machu Picchu really seems impossible. Things going on at work are really overwhelming me and seem impossible to resolve. When I think of my mother and all the things she overcame it inspires me. If you have Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” Matthew 17:20 (NIV).  So the last shall be first, and the first last:……..Matthew 20:16 KJV. I feel last right now but I know that I will win my race. My mother won her life race.

The Journey to Machu Picchu


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Photo by Trace Hudson on

My son, David, and I started working out together again last year at the YMCA once a week. I still haven’t given up yet after all these years on my weight loss goal of 150-160 pounds. My weight this morning was 235.6. Not much change from my last post 3 years ago. I just turned 59 and next year will be 60th birthday. Time is going by so fast. Still working full time but plan on retiring next year. Last year I got my real estate license and have not sold anything. There has also been a lot of changes in my work life. 3 of my 4 work friends have moved on to other things. It has been very lonely. We still talk when time permits but everyone is busy with their own lives. A lot of people say find new friends, move on, but to me people are not replaceable and each relationship is important and special in its own way. When my mom was sick and eventually passed these people got me thru. Blood sugar levels have been high again and blood pressure has been creeping up. My husband, Tom, is now on 5 different blood pressure medications. All these things add up to a lot of depression and lack of motivation. I have been looking for something to inspire me again.

Many years ago David and I had started talking about taking a trip to Machu Picchu. We are talking about it again. Why that spot. It offers breathtaking views, beautiful landscapes, mystery, and challenging terrain. All the ingredients of a great adventure to re-energize someone. It is now considered one of the seven wonders of the world. To get there you can hike the 4 day, 26 mile Inca Trail or take a short train ride from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes and then a bus to Machu Picchu village. Machu Picchu Mountain Trail has 1600 steps. The steps will take you to the top of Machu Picchu mountain where you can see an impressive view of the ruins. The highest peak of the mountain rises an incredible 10,000 feet (3,050 m) above sea level. Founded in 1450 by the Incas and abandoned in 1572. The exact purpose of it remains a mystery to this day. Life is a mystery to me right now.

What makes this time so different that we will actually get in shape and go. The difference is this journey gives me hope that my friends and I will reconnect and we will find new life. Turning 60 and retiring next year is scary for many reasons but if I can climb this mountain then I can climb other mountains. My son wants to be healthy so he can be here for his son. I want to see my grandchildren grow up. What greater motivation than your children. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13. Watch for my weekly posts as the Machu Picchu journey continues.

My Wellness Journey – It’s Time

March 1 my husband, Tom, and I started on a new program together. We have our own daily calorie limit and take a walk together every day when possible. We will increase our walking distance as time goes on. The first week we both did great and lost weight. The second week Tom did great and I gained half of my lost weight back. I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 233.8 pounds. I am down from my last post but once again I sabotaged myself last week and could have weighed less. There are so many inspirational stories of people changing their lives and reaching their goals and going beyond what they ever thought possible. I want to be one of those inspirational stories. There are many weight loss programs out there. I have joined Weight Watchers many, many times and even worked for them as a receptionist. Last year I attended an information session for gastric bypass but I did not qualify. I even tried optifast twice but could not stay on the program either time. Counting calories and exercise have always worked for me. Recently I turned 56 and it was time to reflect and contemplate. I want to feel good about my life and live it passionately and have a lot of adventures. In order to do that I have to be healthy and have alot of energy. That requires losing weight and being active. We all have those secret things in our hearts that we want to do but seem impossible. They are there to get us to step out of our comfort zone and reach for the stars. The word impossible says I AM POSSIBLE!!!

My Wellness Journey – A Life Well Lived



So much has happened and so many lessons have been learned in the past 3 years. My mother did pass away on January 26, 2018 due to kidney failure from Type 2 diabetes. She was 74 years old. Before my mother died she told me how proud of my she was and to enjoy life. My weight has ballooned up again to 240 pounds and the confidence level has taken a nosedive. I participated in a virtual 5k but it was not the same as a real one. Since my mother has died I keep thinking how do I want my days to be. When it is my time to go I want to be able to say I had a life well lived. Due to COVID we did not go to festivals and vacations this year. The husband and I have worked at home since March. I go into the office 1 day a week unless there is an emergency. I miss the daily interaction with my work friends. It has depressed me even more and my motivation is gone. This is definitely not a quality existence. I watch too much tv and eat way too many snacks and wear pajamas or sweats, both are fat clothes. At work I would always take pride in wearing my Harley shirts, jeans, and boots. Now my belly looks horrible in the Harley shirts. The one good thing that has come from being at home is I have had time to grieve and reflect. Before I would be so busy going here and there that I would not let myself feel and face my loss. God has helped me to understand my mother and see how all the events in my life were connected. The people in my life were meant to be there at that time and one event connected to another. I am definitely meant to ride a motorcycle and this is the time for me to be the me I have been trying to create my whole life. There is a whole lot of travel and adventure yet to do. It will be a life well lived.

My Wellness Journey – Trying to find the Motorcycle Babe Wearing the Teeny Weenie Bikini



I have gained a lot of  weight since the last post.  I am back up to 236.4 as of this morning.  I did get my permanent motorcycle license at the end of last year.  That was one hard fought battle.  It took 3 classes and 5 tests. But I did reach my goal.  Prayer, persistence, and perseverance paid off.  My Motorcyclists for Jesus – Riders For The Cross motorcycle group was invited to a poker run to administer our first biker blessing on April 29 of this year. What an incredible experience.  Unfortunately, there is a lot of sadness going on right now in our lives.  My mother was admitted to the hospital January 6, 2017 and is still there.  She went in with fluid on the lungs and had to get a trachiostomy and was placed on permanent dialysis.  They were supposed to be able to put a speaking valve on the trach so she could talk.  They have found her airway keeps collapsing so she is not able to tolerate a speaking valve and she is on IV nutrition.  We have been either at work or the hospital most of the time and it has been hard to exercise and eat at home.  We just grab our food and go.  Through this experience it has taught me how important it is to take care of our bodies.  That is why I am writing this blog tonight and will continue to blog every week.  Be good to your body and it will be good to you.  My motorcycle has taught me never give up and fight for what you want.  God is not dead!

My Wellness Journey -From Fat To A Motorcycle Babe Wearing A Teeny Weeny Bikini



I’ve been out riding the motorcycle getting some “wind therapy” as a friend of mine at work says.  Gearing up to get my permanent motorcycle license this summer.  The temporary license expires in April and will probably have to get them again. We went to a motorcycle show for my birthday and was asked to start a Columbus chapter for Motorcyclists for Jesus Ministries.  My weight this morning was 219.8.  Tom (husband) and I have been working out at home and I am still working out with my son at the trainers one day a week.  Tom has been working diligently at home building an exercise room in the basement.  Work has been difficult since one of my friends had to change shifts.  We haven’t really talked much since it happened.  Staying on the workout and diet schedule has been difficult but I feel more focused this week.  My goal is to do weight training 4 days a week and cardio 4 days a week.  I am still determined to compete in the bikini weight competitions.. My new goal to have this weight off is October 4 of this year.  I have a sign in my office at work that says “My God is able…” (2 Corinthians 9:8).  I will not quit till I get to where I want to be!

My Wellness Journey – 2016



It is a new year and a lot has happened.  My job duties have changed at work.  Tom (husband) and I went to Europe for 2 weeks in September.  We celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.  Still only have my temps for the motorcycle but I will not stop till I have my permanent license.  This year I am going to write more and get back to playing the piano.  Still have boxes from 3 years ago to unpack.  This morning my weight was 220.4.  Up significantly since my last post in July.  Glad to say I am back on track and actually training to compete in  those muscle bikini competitions I have blogged about before.  Sounds silly with my weight actually up and soon to be 51, but I am following a plan my trainer put together.  It gives me something to strive for, a goal or destination.  Tom and I now work out 3 days a week together at LA Fitness.  My son and I work out with my trainer 1 day a week. Because there are so many older ladies competing in the bikini category at shows they are expanding the categories to include 50, 60, and even older.  This gives me hope.  On Sunday the pastor said that Jesus resurrection meant that death has been swallowed up in victory and resurrection brings power and victory.  In 2015 I started a process of resurrection and that process will be completed in 2016.  Romans chapter 6 verse 6 says,  “For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.”  I have been set free from sin and live in power and victory.  

My Wellness Journey – Moving On



This morning I weighed in at 199.8. Yippee! Finally broke that 200 mark. It has been exactly 21 years since I weighed that low. All glory goes to God. A lot going on since I last posted. My mom went to Las Vegas and Tom (husband) and I had the house to ourselves. Shall I say we ate and ate and ate. I gained back 10 pounds and had to lose it over again. Then my trainer went on vacation for 2 weeks. Still trying to get back on track. Well I finally did. During this time I discovered I really like the new lifestyle better and the old habits no longer work for me. Work was really hard during this time. There was some drama at work and it took a lot of prayer to work through it. I got really depressed and started to divert back to the old ways, but I stopped myself. By sabotaging myself when I get depressed the only person I hurt is me. It does not change the circumstance or improve the situation but only seeks to move me farther from my goals and make things worse. I rode my motorcycle farther and will continue on this path. Tom said I am making progress. I will keep moving forward and heading towards that finish line.

My Wellness Journey – Facing fears



This morning I weighed in at 200.8.  Another all time low.  Amazing, thankful, and all glory goes to God.  Once again could not do it without him.  He’s everything and more.  I did not publish last Sunday due to a lot of family drama.  My emotions were out of control and I felt like quitting but instead did a lot of praying.  Today Tom (husband) and I went for a motorcycle ride and I faced a fear and rode on Jackson Pike.  This is a busy country road and cars go very fast.  It was exhilarating and my spirit soared.  This is how we are during the weight loss process.  We see ourselves as the old fat person and are afraid to try new things because they are too terrifying and we might get rejected or worse, fail.  I went shopping again today to buy some new tops.  All my clothes hang on me and some even fall off me.  Last time Tom and I went shopping he picked out some new dresses and I was afraid to wear them to work.  They seemed too dressy and I thought everyone would make fun of me.  Instead I got a lot of complements and appreciative stares.  My heart soared and I actually enjoyed being at work for a change.  Today I picked out a few more dresses and have decided to start making a wardrobe change.  Tom said the dresses show off my nice legs.  The word says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”(Proverbs 23:7 King James Version).  We have to change our mindset about ourselves.  We can do it,  whatever it is.  The only thing stopping us is us.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is whatever you want it to be.  As previously mentioned I want to do ‘athons.  Read about the 5k we did on Saturday in a separate article.  Tom and I walk at night but I am supposed to run.  My mind is telling me I cannot do this.  Once again it is my own fears still seeing myself as this 264 pound fat woman who cannot do anything especially not run.  My son, David, says I look as good and as full of life as I did when I was in my early ’20’s.  He is so proud of me for trying new things such as motorcycle riding.  My trainer thinks I could be a power lifter and my husband and son both think I could work up to a bodybuilder bikini model.  My mind says this is absurd because I am 50 years old and still very overweight.  My mind has to change with my body.  I have to see myself as God sees me.  A beautiful, vibrant woman full of possibilities.  The world is my oyster!

My Wellness Journey – And So It Goes



This morning I weighted in at 201.4.  Haven’t seen that number in a very, very long time.  This week I stuck to the new food plan my trainer created for me and I started cooking.  Wow that is a major change for me.  I actually liked it. Friday, Tom (husband) and I took the day off work and I made him breakfast in the morning and we went for a 3 mile walk in the park.  Yesterday, I helped Tom paint the gables on our house.  He was impressed with the cooking and painting and so was I.  61 pounds ago I would not have done these things.  Admittedly, this weekend it has been difficult to stick to the new food plan.  Most of that is due to we needed to go to the grocery store and restock. Back to work tomorrow and back to the food plan.  The success this week has a lot to do with Tom and I working out together and following the same food plan.  He really is “The Wind Beneath My Wings”.  I learned in my first marriage you have to be on the same page for things to work no matter what the situation is.  The word says “do not be unevenly yoked”.  This refers to all facets of life.  If you  are changing then those around you need to change with you or something is going to happen.  Do not put old wine into new wine skins.  I have also learned that resistance training lowers my blood sugar even more than just doing cardio.  My trainer says this is due to weight training helps your insulin resistance.  When I do resistance training the night before my blood sugar level is very low the next morning.  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we went motorcycle riding.  Tom says I am getting better but I still need lots of work.  Just like my body baby steps and lots and lots of practice until we reach goal.